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Golf is typically played unsupervised meaning it is up to you to follow the rules of the game. Players should conduct themselves with the proper etiquette of the game and review the rules before showing up for their tee time. Respect the course, fellow players, and the game by following the proper etiquette for golf.

Care of the Course

Bunkers: If you end up playing your ball from a bunker, make sure you smooth over any marks left in the sand. Players often leave holes or footprints which could affect the following players’ results. There should be rakes placed near or in the bunkers to help rake the sand back to its pristine condition.

Divots: Replace your divots. You can press in the edges of the divot. Sometimes courses have containers of soil at the tees. Try to leave the hole the way you found it. Any divots, marks, or indents should be filled or smoothed over for the following players.

Preventative Measures: Do not remove divots when practicing your swings. Don’t hit your club on the ground out of frustration. Gently put down bags and flagsticks so they don’t dent the ground. Also, do not lean on your club on the putting green because it will cause uneven ground. If you rented a golf cart, make sure you keep it on the path as to not cause damage to the course.

Keeping Pace

You don’t want people to have to be waiting on you if it can be prevented. You should keep a good pace while playing. Keep up with the group playing ahead of you. If you see the group behind you is playing faster, offer to let them play before you. To be able to keep a good pace, you should be ready to play as soon as it’s your turn. Prepare for the next hole on the walk over. It shouldn’t take you more than 30 seconds to hit the ball when it is your turn. In the case of a lost ball, you should let the group behind play through while you are searching for it. If you do not find your lost ball, you may play with a provisional ball.

Playing with Others

Consideration for other players is one of the biggest rules in golf. You should avoid disturbing other players game by moving, talking or, making unnecessary noise. Don’t yell out of frustration or talk loudly to people in your group. It could break other players’ concentration. Just like in a movie theater, your phone should be silenced. Don’t stand or cast a shadow in another player’s line of putt while on the green. It can mess up their shot and concentration. As a courtesy and safety precaution, ensure you are not standing close by or in a position where you could be hit by a club, ball, or debris.