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The holidays are quickly approaching and you could be struggling to find a perfect gift for the golfer in your life. You want to be sure that they are excited when they unwrap their gifts from you. You don’t want to get them the typical golf ball and tee set. Give them something that they might not even know they need!


Arccos Caddie Smart Grips

These smart grips allow golfers to track their performance throughout their game. You can connect to any set of clubs and track the shots and analyzes them. It can give you advice for every shot and every hole so you know your exact distance you hit the ball. You can also learn which club works for which shot and you can identify where your strengths and weaknesses are on the course.


PuttOut Pressure Putt Trainer

A great tool to practice with is the PuttOut Pressure Putt Trainer. It helps by simulating conditions that you would be putting and gives feedback on whether or not your putt will be successful. Each successful putt is returned and a poor putt is rejected. The repetition will improve your putting pace. It is also able to easily fit in your golf bag!


Garmin Approach Z80

This laser rangefinder has a GPS that gives accurate information with the distance from the hole you are playing. Once the flag finder locks onto the flag of the hole you are on, it will show the distance to the front and back of the green. A special feature is able to adjust your yardages for uphill and downhill shots. The device gives a 2D course view which maps out more than 41,000 courses around the world.


FootJoy StaSof Golf Gloves

These gloves are sure to fit your hand comfortably and stay secure throughout the whole game. They provide a sustainable grip and moisture resistance. While other gloves may be stiff, these are engineered to stay softer for longer!


These gifts will be perfect for the golfer in your life to work on their game and improve their skills. Pick up one or all of these items while shopping this year for the holidays!