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Being a serious golf player, finding the time in a busy schedule for a game of golf can be a struggle. Whether you are working weekdays or spending time with your family on the weekends, finding a day dedicated to golf might not be able to make it as a number one priority. Here are some tips to help you fit golf into your schedule even if there isn’t much time.  

Plan an Annual Golf Outing

Having a planned golf outing can be a great way to make sure you can make time for golf. Whether it is just a day trip with your friends to your favorite course or a weekend getaway to explore new courses, scheduling an annual golf outing is a sure way to get out on the green. Making annual plans keep this important hobby a priority in your busy work and personal life.

Make it a Family Day

If you play golf every weekend you may start to feel guilty that you may not be spending enough time with your family. Take them with. You then get to play the game you love with the people you love. This could be a great opportunity to teach your kids the love of the game. Enough family trips to the golf course and your kid’s passion for the game could grow, giving you a constant golf partner.

Driving Range

The driving range doesn’t compare to being able to play 18-holes but it is a great way to practice without taking up too much of your time. An annual trip keeps a game schedule every year but you could get rusty in that time period. So keep up your skills with hitting some golf balls at the range.

Play 9 Holes

Instead of taking up a majority of your day with an 18-hole game of golf, cut it down to only 9 holes. This gives you the chance to play a game but doesn’t take up as much time. You could have your Sunday mornings dedicated to golf while your evenings are for your friends and loved ones.